How does the concept of Sigma Male fit into the bigger picture?

I’m a 100% Sigma Male, but I’m not Nostradamus. What will happen in 60 seconds?

Since I discovered in 2021 that I was not only a Free Soul, but I belonged to a scarce personality type, it got me thinking.

Before, it was obvious that a Free Soul was floating through life, focusing on being happy and free. Now, I’m in the bucket called Sigma Male. It comes with more responsibilities towards society.

I attempt to put down a first level of thought in this article. I will get more in-depth on this important topic during the podcast.

The concept of masculinity is an ever-evolving construct that has changed drastically over the centuries. 

Historically, masculinity has been shaped by societal norms, expectations, and values. 

The concept of the Sigma Male is the latest iteration of the masculine ideal, focused on self-sufficiency and autonomy. 

The earliest conceptions of masculinity come from ancient societies such as the Greeks and Romans, which viewed manhood as a symbol of strength, courage, and honor. 

Religious and cultural institutions reinforced this masculinity view, emphasizing traditional gender roles and behaviors. 

In more modern times, the idea of masculinity shifted to reflect the changing norms of society. 

During the Industrial Revolution, men were expected to be providers, protectors, and breadwinners. This idea of masculinity became further entrenched in the mid-twentieth century when men were expected to be the sole breadwinner and providers for their families. In recent years, however, masculinity has been criticized for its limitations and failure to recognize the value of other gender identities. 

This has led to a more progressive definition of masculinity that allows for more flexibility and diversity. 

The rise of the Sigma Male has further reinforced this shift.

The Sigma Male is a concept popularized in the mid-2000s.

It is based on the idea of self-sufficiency and autonomy and rejects traditional gender roles and gender expectations. 

A Sigma Male does not rely on anyone else for their success or happiness; instead, they focus on individual skills and talents. 

Sigma Males are often highly successful in their chosen field, driven by a desire to reach their goals, regardless of society’s expectations or others’ opinions. 

The concept of the Sigma Male fits into the bigger picture of masculinity in a few ways:

  1. It allows for more flexibility and diversity in how men express themselves. By rejecting traditional gender roles, Sigma Males can create their path and define their individual goals.
  2. By focusing on self-sufficiency and autonomy, Sigma Males can succeed without relying on anyone else.
  3. By embracing their skills and talents, Sigma Males can create a more positive image of masculinity, focusing on self-improvement and personal growth.

The concept of the Sigma Male is a relatively new idea, and it is still evolving. 

As more men embrace the idea of self-sufficiency and autonomy, the concept of masculinity will continue to change and adapt. 

In the future, masculinity may be more inclusive, accepting of different gender identities, and focused on individual success and growth. 

Ultimately, the concept of the Sigma Male is an essential step in the evolution of masculinity. It will continue to shape how men view themselves and their place in society. 

The Sigma Male fits into the bigger picture of masculinity by allowing for more flexibility and diversity in how men express themselves and emphasizing self-sufficiency and autonomy. 

By embracing their skills and talents, Sigma Males can create a more positive image of masculinity, focusing on self-improvement and personal growth.

To be continued…

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