The Sigma Male vs. the Alpha Male: What sets them apart? 

I stumbled upon the concept of the Sigma Male on Twitter in 2021. Before, I thought the male hierarchy was about Alpha and Beta. I didn’t like either and classified myself as a Free Soul. Reading Charles Bukowski as a teenager helped me understand the concept of a Free Soul.

It was shocking to find out I was not so unique. Some random people figured out my personality and put me in a bucket with the sticker Sigma Male.

 At first, I rejected the idea. Nobody will put me into a mold!

Youtube kept on targeting me with videos about Sigma Male. After watching a couple, I wondered why those videos were anonymous. Stock images and a VoiceOver explained the concept of Sigma Male. 

 I got out from Youtube and searched online for more reliable sources. I will get into more detail about the origins in a different article, but it was crazy to find out that my personality was dissected in various ways.

I encountered many Alpha Males in my life. To my surprise, an Alpha could not dominate me. I lived in the East Village during the ’90s. If you can imagine what an Urban Jungle could be, that was my neighborhood. I had guns and knives in front of my face. Nobody took my money or belongings, and I never got stabbed or shot. If I didn’t relate to the Alpha or the Beta Male, why didn’t I get bullied in school or robbed in the streets? How could I navigate through sketchy places anywhere in the world without a single bad encounter?

 Overall, I could not avoid the fact that I was different. Tagging myself as a Free Soul helped me grow in a unique mindset.

Still, the question remained.

 If I didn’t belong in the Beta Male bucket, was I an Alpha Male? 

The Sigma Male and the Alpha Male are two distinct types of masculinity often seen as opposites. While both kinds of masculinity can be seen as attractive and desirable, their differences make them unique. 

The Alpha Male is typically considered the “traditional” type of man. He is strong, confident, and often assertive. He is driven, strives to succeed in all areas of life, and is often competitive. He is usually the pack’s leader and is often seen as the “ideal” type of man. 

The Sigma Male, on the other hand, is often seen as a more modern type of masculinity. He is independent, emotionally intelligent, and usually more open-minded and accepting. He is driven not necessarily by competition and success but by self-improvement and personal growth. He is not afraid to take risks and is often highly creative and independent. The main difference between the two is their approach to life. 

While the Alpha Male is usually focused on external success, the Sigma Male is more focused on internal growth. The Sigma Male is more likely to take risks and explore new paths. The Sigma Male is also more open to change and development, as he is not afraid of failure. He is more likely to be open-minded and accepting of people’s differences, while the Alpha Male is more likely to be rigid and inflexible.

The Sigma Male is more likely to value emotional intelligence and self-awareness, while the Alpha Male is more likely to appreciate physical strength and power. In terms of data, a study by the University of Oxford (I might be wrong about the name of the school) found that men who scored higher on Sigma Male traits were more likely to be emotionally intelligent and self-aware and to have better relationships with others. Additionally, men who scored higher on Sigma Male traits were more likely to be creative, independent, and self-confident. 

The Sigma Male is often seen as the new breed of masculinity. The main difference between the two is their approach to life, with the Sigma Male being more focused on internal growth and the Alpha Male being more concentrated. The Sigma Male is often seen as a more modern masculinity focused on self-improvement and personal development. They are often more open-minded, accepting, and emotionally intelligent than the Alpha Male and are not afraid of failure or taking risks.

Additionally, they value creativity and independence and often have higher levels of self-confidence. 

Sigma Males seem more likely to report higher well-being and satisfaction with their lives. They are also found to have higher levels of self-awareness, independent thinking, and emotional intelligence. 

It’s challenging to figure out, but everything becomes apparent with time. I was born in 1969, meaning I’m already very old (or dead) when you read this article. My personality imposed to live my life, making specific choices that would go against the general idea of the Lone Wolf in society. Life is about making a right or left turn. Everything can change in a split second. There is an alternate version of myself. Most likely, I would not be wealthy, married with children. I’m delighted with the current version of myself, and nothing will change until I die. 

 However, I’m fully aware of what we can call « Demons .» 

 It’s easy for me to identify the main one. Please give me a van, some gear to ride, and I’m good. 

 My life differs from being a true free rider, but I live in the mountains. 

 3 to 6 days per week, I ride my downhill mountain bike, my skis, my fast car, my horse, and whatever goes fast and jumps.

Sigma Males can be very successful in their careers and relationships with higher levels of self-efficacy.

It will require making the right choices at the right time. The problem is we can’t guess the future. Today, I can look back at a rich and exciting life. 

No regrets.

One Life, Flat Out, No Fucks Given

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